Nick VK2FS, Geoff VK2AVR and Shannon VK2GV (work neighbour of Geoff) activated Terrey Hills QF56OH as part of the inaugural 3.4GHz QSO Party.  Club member Derek also braved the rain to say hello.

Weather was wet at times but we succeeded in talking to Dave VK2JDS, operating at Kurrajong Heights, and Steve VK2KFJ, operating from North Head.  Other operators (VK2CU/VK2ZRH/VK2DAG etc) were around but they were out of range to us.  Dave’s commanding position at Kurrajong lookout gave him a great outlook on the other Sydney ops, wet trees gave us quite a lot of attenuation.  Next time we will have to get higher 🙂

Thanks again to Dave VK2JDS for his assistance with the transverter/panel antenna.  This is a really neat setup (cheap too!), and full details of the transverter project can be found at the Geelong Amateur Radio Club website.

20160221 Logbook