The MWRS WebSDR is now online!

After a year-long effort by generous volunteers, all the bits are connected together, a linear power supply has been built and the loop antenna is professionally installed.

A huge thanks to everyone who has helped with this project, it’s great to see it online. Matt VK2RQ, Phil VK2BDF and Horst VK2HL helped out building the Softrock kits, Ben VK2BEN has been assisting closely with the final installation, and Geoff VK2AVR oversaw the project as a whole.  This project was financed in principal via the ARNSW 2015 Development Grant and we very much appreciate ARNSW’s financial support of this venture.

Visit it here (this is also linked on the main menu bar on our homepage):

A capture of the waterfall a couple of days after a prolonged geomagnetic storm shows several stations on 80m and 40m, and a bit of digital activity on 20m.  A VK5 was heard calling CQ on 160m just prior to taking the screenshot!
